The legendary Plaza del Altozano in the popular Triana district is the site of vestiges of centuries past which form part of the history of the city of Sevilla. A good example is the San Jorge Castle, the former headquarters of the Holy Inquisition in Spain and the icon of this institution in Europe during the years from 1481 to 1785. Due to the historic importance of the events which occurred within its walls, the San Jorge Castle has opened its doors to the public as a permanent thematic museum, where visitors can learn how the Inquisition functioned and also learn more about the Castle itself. With a surface area of 1,400 square metres, the exhitibion is divided into two levels. The upper floor is the Sensorial Level which consists of three spaces: The Trial, The Abuse of Power and Defencelessness of the Victims. The lower floor also has various different spaces: The Barbican contains data, historic images and a scale model of the Castle in the 18th century, as well as an Informative Walkway.