
Palacio de Altamira

The Palacio de Altamira is the current location of the Consejería de Cultura of the Junta de Andalucía. It is a marvelous building dating back to the end of the 14th century and was commissioned by D. Diego López de Stúñiga (or Zúñiga). The palace was modeled after the Real Alcázar and is inspired by the Mudejar style. During the centuries after its construction, it passed through different hands until it became a residential building in the middle of the 19th century, yet it maintained the name of the Counts of Altamira.

The building is located in the area that was once known as the Puerta de la Judería, although today this area is known as Puerta de la Carne. The Judería de Sevilla is the old Jewish quarter and is located in the Santa Cruz and San Bartolomé neighborhoods, which were created in 1248. To learn more about this emblematic part of Seville, make sure to visit the Centro de Interpretación Judería de Sevilla.

With a tragic attack on the Jewish quarter, which was perpetrated by their own neighbors on June 6, 1391, and destroyed countless homes and synagogues, the Castillian nobles overtook some of the city’s most illustrious buildings. Without a doubt, the Palacio de Altamira was one of these building. The Palacio de Altamira is divided into two principle areas: the Palacio Real and the Palacio de los Azulejos. Amongst its treasures is the Qubba or the Royal Room, which has a unique collection of medieval carpentry, the polychromatic plasterwork, and the murals of the Aposento Ducal.

All this can be visited for free, however, an email reservation is required.