Juan Martínez Montañés is the greatest exponent of the Sevillian school of Baroque imagery, which is wonderfully showcased in the various churches throughout the city. Born in Alcalá la Real, Jaén (1568), he began his training in Granada and completed it in Seville, where some of his greatest works of art will be found till this day. Dedicated his talent to religious sculpture, he became known as the “god of wood” due to this expertise in working with this material.
In 1924, the city of Seville erected a statue in the Plaza del Salvador, at the gates of one of the epicenters of Holy Week- the Church of El Salvador. The statue, which is signed by the sculptor Agustín Sánchez-Cid, shows Montañés sitting with an image of the Immaculate Conception in his hands, thus capturing the moment of the creation of one of his masterpieces.
The artist was buried in 1649 in the parish of La Magdalena, however, the church was confiscated and demolished which led to the loss of his remains. However, he is memory is still very much alive. Throughout the year Sevillians gather around his statue to admire the Holy Week processions, marvel at the pilgrims of the Rocío, and enjoy a refreshing beer with family and friends in one of Seville’s most iconic plazas.